SmartClean Provides Distinct Advantages
The conventional practice of regularly scheduled collection system cleaning is typically based on a history and/or perceived risk of spills. While high-frequency cleaning may lower instances of sanitary sewer overflows, it carries a substantial operational cost with demands on personnel and equipment.
A SmartClean Program
Our SmartClean© program utilizes the SmartCover© remote sewer monitoring technology, coupled with predictive analytics, to allow collection system visibility to not only protect against spills but to also optimize your sewer cleaning operations.
Automated trend analysis of current sewer conditions informs operations on maintenance cleaning requirements. The combination of real-time data and predictive analytics gives users the ability to easily observe the rate of build-up and to schedule cleanings when and where they are needed. Real-time alarms are issued as blockages are detected and sewer cleaning becomes more time-sensitive.
The SmartClean© program enables you to reduce operation costs, prioritize cleanings (which may result in extended asset life), and redirect your resources.